
  Contributor Badge 5x v2 After 30-plus years as the staid and professional talking head for a Fortune 500 company,  I unleashed my creative twin, Mitchell Kyd. I discovered that my sense of humor had not been surgically removed as I had come to believe after all those years of institutional communication. The transition from corporate tap dancer and snake charmer resulted instantly in purple hair and  brand new adventures as a wordsmith and tale weaver.

    Although I’ve been writing all my life, I’ve relinquished the rights to most of it as work for hire or to help the organizations where I volunteer.  When I turned Fabulous, I started asking myself: What do you want?

                                                 Writing was still on the list.

   In May 2009, I bumped into an old friend who asked me what I was doing those days. I was Fabulous+5 at that point and  the alarms went off.  Now that I have set aside all my corporate-speak assignments, I decided that it’s time I write for me, and  just for fun – and for you, whoever you are reading this. I’d like to entertain you, make you smile, connect us.  I hope you’ll find me fresh and sassy  — just make sure you find me!  Please drop a note and let me know you’re out there because I cannot hear you  breathing!


  1. You are truly gifted! Your writing is great!

    Have a wonderful birthday! By the way, Fabulous+5 is not so bad . . . been there, done that . . . and have survived . . . so far!


  2. Please do!!

  3. I wish that I could download your talent.. You truly have a gift.. I

  4. Wow! I loved it. You really are very talented writer:-) Hope your birthday is the best.

  5. Nice to meet you. I blog @ erasundar.wordpress.com

    • Ditto on the nice to meetcha. And thanks for reading! If I had a prize to give the very first unknown reader to stumble onto my blog, you would win! (Can I just envision a prize and send it to you via telepathy?) It was very exciting to see an unrecognized handle in my comments file!
      I am brand new to the blog world, only a week-old yesterday, so I have a lot to learn about connecting, linking, promoting, making my site appealing, etc. I’m here for the learning experience and to force myself to finally start writing for myself.
      I loved your piece on the American Dream and like several of your other readers, I think a cat would fit in nicely — despite the hairballs. We live across the road from a farm so we have a never-ending supply, inside and out. The maintenance issue that some of your readers mentioned is a great selling point for cats over dogs. Cats can stay home and be in charge of the house if you want to slip out for a long weekend whereas dogs need a sitter or a vacation of their own. Do be prepared to come home to cat tracks on your kitchen counter, fur on your dining table and possibly cat pee on your bed pillows if you fail to provide enough attention in the days before you depart however. Good luck with all that. For my part, my American Dream would be not be as rich without my continual parade of critters like Yappy Sue, Pete and RePete, Bart, Smokey Jo Lonesome, Miss Cleo….

  6. Y, I love this. Girlfriend you never cease to amaze me. I did find someone I know. I cannot wait to see what’s next. Congratulations my dear friend!

  7. Love to see what you bring us! Can’t wait for the next installment …

  8. Y, Your ability to combine the perverse and preverted (perverted) humor with family values, honesty and true life experiences is wonderful. Your metaphors and sparkling adjectives are awesome. Keep me on your mailing list.

    I want to see those pink shoes, you hussy!

    • Howdy! We’re at the beach for a week so don’t call me for lunch! ; ) I’m hoping to crank out a couple of new stories while I’m here so please bookmark my site. Google me! (Mitchell Kyd) You’ll find my stuff right at the top (The day I discovered that was pretty damned exciting!) Better yet, subscribe next time you check in! (Also. please do forward to others who might get my humor.)

      I’m working on a beach story in my head right now that will probably hit this week, I’m just not sure of the actual title. It’s either “Observing the *Speedo* Limit” or “Enforcing the* Speedo* Limit.” I guess it will depend on how much eye candy I see at the beach in the next couple of days!

  9. I’m always inspired and delighted by you and your gifts.
    Thank you for the words. They comfort, entertain, and mysteriously challenge.

  10. “Mitchell,
    Thirty-five years ago in Al Mason’s PR class, you sparkled with real-talent….the years since then have polished it to brilliance! The “PO” piece on your Ft. Loudon Library appearance drew me here, and I am truly enjoying your recent work. Your writing is delighful and entertaining, and best of all, from the soul. The best is yet to come…

  11. If you were a painter, you’d be the next Michelangelo! Keep writing girl!

  12. love the stories…great writing. Thanks for sharing. Jane

  13. Just read your article entitled, Long before the man cave, man ruled the shed, in our Valley Rural Pennlines Magazine. Thoroughly enjoyed your writing! Keep up the fantastic work!! Jerry

  14. Hi, read your article in the Mburg J this week honoring Anna R. Thank you so very much for your words and expression. Being a homegrown Ft. Loudon girl, I was at a lost when I heard of her passing. She was like my grandmother had been in that town, a pillar. A personality that you can’t imagine NOT having around town. Anna certainly deserves to be recognized for her personal kindness on top of all her community achievements. Your words gave myself and I’m sure others, much comfort.
    Heather (Gardner) Haney

    • Thanks for your note, Heather. And you’re right, she was like your grandmother in that sense! I can still see Pauline walking along Main Street and I remember always thinking I hope that I’m that ” alive” and in that kind of shape in the years ahead.

  15. Just read your latest post, my brother in law Glenn has mentioned your writing often. Finally found y way to your blog. Love it!
    Keep it up!

    • Thanks for reading, Eileen, and especially for making the connection for me with Glenn! I worked with him for more than 20 years. He, our friend Brick and I kept each other sane for the last 10 or so years together before we all ‘disEMBARQed’ on our careers there and we watched our families grow up together by sharing stories and pictures. That (and the bonds of having all reported to an insane person some of those years) has sealed the deal on us being friends forever!

  16. May I have permission to post some of your Penn Lines article from July 2020 on a private church Facebook page? I love to read inspiring messages about family history and yours is certainly worth passing along! Thank you!

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